Home > Published Issues > 2024 > Volume 10, Number 4, 2024 >
IJLT 2024 Vol.10(4): 451-457
doi: 10.18178/ijlt.10.4.451-457

Global Software Engineering Education: Students’ Experiences during the Pandemic

Annette Kott 1, Patricia Brockmann 1,*, D. Moritz Marutschke 2, and Victor Kryssanov 3
1. Computer Science Department, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Nuremberg, Germany
2. College of Global Liberal Arts, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan
3. College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan
Email: annette.kott@th-nuernberg.de (A.K.); Patricia.Brockmann@th-nuernberg.de (P.B.); moritz.marutschke@kuas.ac.jp (D.M.M.); kvvictor@is.ritsumei.ac.jp (V.K.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received January 5, 2024; revised March 10, 2024; accepted May 20, 2024; published July 12, 2024.

Abstract—Software engineering projects are increasingly conducted by globally distributed teams. Students need to learn intercultural and distributed project management skills to face the challenges involved in working together online with team members in other countries. Travel and contact restrictions during the pandemic make it impossible to spend a semester abroad to gain international experience. A collaborative class in global software engineering, conducted by two universities, one in Japan and one in Germany, is described. Additional hurdles caused by the pandemic and possible methods to overcome these difficulties are described from the perspective of the students who took part in this course. 
Keywords—distance, education, global, software engineering

Cite: Annette Kott, Patricia Brockmann, D. Moritz Marutschke, and Victor Kryssanov, "Global Software Engineering Education: Students’ Experiences during the Pandemic," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 451-457, 2024.

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