Home > Published Issues > 2024 > Volume 10, Number 3, 2024 >
IJLT 2024 Vol.10(3): 348-353
doi: 10.18178/ijlt.10.3.348-353

Challenges in Implementing Online Learning in Philippine Higher Education: Business Students’ Perspective

Ralph A. Sabio 1 and Cecilia J. Sabio 2,*
1. School of Business, St. Scholastica’s College, Manila, Philippines
2. Asian Institute for Distance Education, Makati, Philippines
Email: alsabio@gmail.com (R.A.S.); vpcfjs@gmail.com (C.J.S.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received October 18, 2023; revised December 18, 2023; accepted December 29, 2023; published May 24, 2024.

Abstract—When COVID-19 happened, Philippine higher education was affected because education in most of the universities in the country is mostly delivered in a conventional way. The transition to virtual learning environment became a challenge for most students and teachers. With this, it is necessary to determine the problems encountered by the students during the implementation of online remote learning. This research is a descriptive exploratory small-scale pilot study. The objective is to gain insights and analyze the Filipino college business students perspectives of challenges in online remote during the pandemic. Using qualitative research method, a thematic content analysis was employed to discover patterns, themes, and codes. Based on the findings there are seven (7) themes emerged: internet connection problem, too much workload and problem with meeting the deadlines, difficulty in coping with online pedagogy, limited space at home and issues on environment, doing household chores while studying, health concerns and financial issues. Of the seven (7) themes that were determined, the internet connection problem was the most dominant. Given this finding, it is necessary for policy makers and leaders to address the challenges and consider the findings as inputs to faculty development and other interventions.
Keywords—online learning, remote learning, Philippines

Cite: Ralph A. Sabio and Cecilia J. Sabio, "Challenges in Implementing Online Learning in Philippine Higher Education: Business Students’ Perspective," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 348-353, 2024.

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