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Overview on Teaching Strategies of Traditional Chinese Historical and Biographical Literature in Vocational Colleges

Congying Feng*, Bin Feng, and Guijie Wu
Beijing Information Technology College, Beijing, China
*Correspondence: fengcy@bitc.edu.cn (C.F.)

Abstract—Traditional Chinese historical and biographical literature contains rich national spirit. Teaching historical and biographical literature works in the Chinese courses of vocational colleges, guiding students to read these classics in an immersive way, can help them better understand the spiritual code of the Chinese nation. For many reasons, many students in vocational colleges are not very interested in historical and historical literature works, which reduces the teaching effects of traditional Chinese culture. To solve this problem, this paper analyses the current teaching situations of traditional historical and biographical literature works in vocational colleges, expounds the necessity of teaching these works, and proposes the teaching strategies of these works in Chinese courses of vocational colleges based on teaching practice. 
Keywords—historical and biographical literature, teaching Chinese course in vocational college, teaching strategy, expending reading, textbook drama

Cite: Congying Feng, Bin Feng, and Guijie Wu, "Overview on Teaching Strategies of Traditional Chinese Historical and Biographical Literature in Vocational Colleges," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 169-174, June 2023. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.9.2.169-174

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