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Development of Intelligent Medicine and Construction of Intelligent Medical Engineering Specialty

Yi Yang* and Dekuang Yu
Biomedical Engineering School, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China
*Correspondence: yiyang20110130@163.com (Y.Y.)

Abstract—Based on clinical big data and artificial intelligence and web technologies, Intelligent Medicine takes form as a medical service model centered on patient data. This paper introduced the development of intelligent medical treatment, analyzed the current application of big data analysis in intelligent medical practice, and looked forward to the challenge and future trend of intelligent medicine. Focusing on the training mode of intelligent medical engineering specialty, this paper explored architecture of intelligent medical engineering education platform, made the construction of a scientific and reasonable interdisciplinary curriculum system in the process of interdisciplinary postgraduate training according to the aim and characteristics of interdisciplinary, hoping to realize a unique new interdisciplinary education mode.  
Keywords—intelligent medical treatment, big data, artificial intelligence, intelligent medical engineering, professional construction 

Cite: Yi Yang and Dekuang Yu, "Development of Intelligent Medicine and Construction of Intelligent Medical Engineering Specialty," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 31-36, March 2023. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.9.1.31-36

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